Monday, March 27, 2017

March Blog Post

Max Falore
Comm 160

In Communication: A Critical/Cultural Introduction by John T. Warren and Deanna L. Fossett, they talk about the idea of framing. The textbook is quoted saying “In much the same way a frame surrounds an image, a communicative frame helps you make sense of a moment by showing its relationship to a larger context.”(Communication Context, p196) To me this provides a very simple explanation of what exactly they are talking about. Everybody on Earth comes from a different background and all have there own stories. The Struggles we all go through may be vastly different but they all define who we are. Our experiences are so different they can affect how we think about things and how we deal with certain events. Different parts of decisions may stand out to different people since people’s minds could be focused on different parts of the situation. In another Textbook I read called Interviewing, they talk about frame more pertaining to the reputation one with holds. This could be through word of mouth, recommendations, by ones appearance or even the over all vibe they give off. Being courteous or even empathetic towards another will give off a sense of trust or reliability, which is appealing to many employers or acquaintances. As stated by, “Research shows that your appearance strongly influences other people's perception of your financial success, authority, trustworthiness, intelligence, and suitability for hire or promotion.”( This shows that just the clothes you wear can determine what people think of your status. At a wedding everybody knows who the bride is because she is the only one in white. A priest has a gown, which he wears and signifies he is the speaker. Clothing can show what one has accomplished and proves their worthiness as an individual.

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