Friday, March 31, 2017

March Blog Post - The consequence of co-option and power structures.

There is a lot of debate between the First Amendment and the extent of what freedom of speech really is. More importantly focusing on hate speech. While America tends to brag about treating everyone equal, there is clearly an increase in hate towards people in minority groups. Especially with our new administration, the question is asked, "Will hate speech become normalized in America culture, disguised under the idea of the First Amendment?"
A prime example of this is Milo Yiannopoulus and his desire to say terrible things about not only Trans people, but also women, homosexuals, and Muslims (I'm sure there are other groups he targets too). The idea is that by allowing Milo to give such terrible and destructive speeches on campuses is a form of co-option by the states by allowing a gay man preach on their campus, but there is the real side of him that is nasty. This also allows for the idea of that this may be the only exposure some people get to homosexual people and this becomes a long lasting impression. Also, this gives more power to the majority of people who desire not seeing a balance of all people, not matter their orientation, gender, religion, etcetera.
An example of the things Milo says ranges from (WARNING: POTENTIALLY SENSITIVE CONTENT),

""While talking about the transgender bathroom debate at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in December, he displayed a photo of a transgender female student from that school and told the crowd, "the way that you know he's failing is that I'd almost still bang him.""

""He's also implied Americans have good reason to fear Muslims and said that liberals believe that they can make Muslims accept gays if only they "hug them hard enough. Well, news flash ladies, it's not a boner, it's a bomb.""

This is a person that is inherently causing more harm than good; even though they say is it protected under the First Amendment.

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