Wednesday, March 1, 2017

February Blog Post

I really enjoyed reading the article Man Up by Gomez this past week because it talks about how men have to have this persona of being manly and not showing emotions. Throughout history we have seen that men put on this front and have to act tough to show others that they are strong and doing well in life. Since talking about it in class I have noticed my surroundings more and listened to men talk near me and I see that they feel they have to be this type of way to the world. I do not think this is just and American thing for men, I think that all over the world men are created to look a certain way and act a certain way. For women, we also have these stereotypes and ideas about how we are supposed to act and behave. Communication and culture have shown us that no matter where we are there will always be these norms and ideas of how each sex should act, but I have noticed that in today’s society that norm is starting to change.
In an article called “The New Dad” it talks about how these norms are changing and evolving that it is okay for the dad to stay at home with the children and the mom can go to work and be the breadwinner. But the article also states that people applaud dads when they take time off of work to go do things with their children and how they are idolized as a great dad for being involved, but moms are still looked down upon for taking time off of work to help their kids. It is so interesting to me to see how society categorizes these everyday moves into what makes up a good father or mother and a bad one.
I think this ties back into what we were talking about in class because society and each culture has its own interpretation of what it is like to live in todays world and how to go about it. Every culture has its own unique way of living and going about life so we cannot say that one person or group does something better or worse than others.
URL link to “The New Dad”:

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