Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Feb. Blog Post

 Overall, this has been an interesting month for this class. I have enjoyed hearing the perspectives of others and reading the writings of so many strongly opinionated people. The one I enjoyed the most would have to be Lorde. The reason I enjoyed this the most is because of the honest use of anger.

 Lorde's background is interesting because she is a black woman and a lesbian. She has faced more than one type of discrimination because of this and it is understandable how this made her mad. I like how she is honest with her use of anger. She describes how she used to fear that anger but it taught her nothing so now she just uses it. She is using that anger to respond to racism. Lorde writes, "Women responding to racism means women responding to anger; the anger of exclusion, of unquestioned privilege, of racial distortions, of silence, ill-use, stereotyping, defensiveness, misnaming, betrayal, and co-optation." For me this was a powerful quote. It clearly breaks down what causes the anger from racism and that by women responding to racism it means they are responding to the feeling they get from these actions.

 I feel like this is important because we see it a lot in the news lately. With all of the marches or riots or gatherings. People are clearly angry because of some social injustice but you don't really see the idea of anger expressed. It is clear people are angry but no one is expressing it in the way Lorde does. She does it in a clear and out loud manner. I think it is a good way to show emotion when you are trying to make change. This is why I felt like this was the most interesting part of February.

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