Thursday, March 2, 2017

Feb Blog Post #2

I have been able to learn a ton about racism and the impacts it has on peoples lives on a daily basis. Being a communication major and studying inter-cultural communication has really opened my eyes to the struggles people face on a daily basis. I never knew those types of struggles because of the privileges I experienced when I was younger. When reading the uses of anger portion of Masters Tools and Uses of Anger, I really started to think as if I was another person. When she was talking about the week long classes that people took and she said she thinks that black women understand her more, was the exact problem with our society.

To me this was never a thought in my mind. People do exhibit racism even when they have no idea they are. I believe that women have to deal with a whole new extreme of racism just being women. Battling sexism and racism is a battle that I would have never wanted to fight and they're are women facing this battle today. Another statement really struck me which was when she is taking her two year old through the super market and another little girl says excitedly , "mommy a little maid!" With the mother only shushing the child and not correcting her. This really made me think about where I grew up. I grew up in North County San Diego where there was really no one of color. My father is brown and we have experienced some racism in the years where I was younger. Someone actually called the police on my dad because, since I'm white, and he's brown, they thought I was a kidnapped child. Even though my dad was brown, growing up with mainly all white friends and white family I never really understood the struggle people of color went through.

Also reading how in the academic world women of color have also been disrespected and hurt. This to me shows that my view on racism is wrong. I always thought people who were educated would not be racist because at least to me, education was the one equalizer in the world and can show people that we are all human. It hurts me to see that even the most educated of people can be and have forms of racism. That to me really made an impact on me. I really hope that more people understand the struggles that colored women go through and the anger they feel on a daily basis. Understanding these problems will definitely help our world to be a more peaceful place.

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