Thursday, November 2, 2017

Word Wielding womb Blog Post 3

Alexandra Olin
COM 160

            “No longer will man be born from dust or rib, but force and violence.” This line from Amy Arellano’s writing: Word Wielding Womb: Using the Body to Fight the War on Women, is so vital to understand not only because it addresses the world’s current war-ravaged climate but because it can be related to numerous amounts of issues being faced by women today. Her writing is also vital in our studies due to the relativeness to the information on tolerance and advocacy we address and focus on in class. Without the knowledge of proper advocacy, how can we as students properly understand the world of communication around us? Arellano’s writing plays a major contribution not only to future advice but to the current issues being addressed today.
In today’s world, war ravages countries, and the effects can be seen on all fronts of social media. Children and babies being pulled from rubble and debris that are half starved and screaming accurately represents Arellano’s sentence. These children are born not from peace and prosperity as we can derive from Arellano’s comparison of ‘dust or rib’, but from force and violence. The violence that has ravaged so many countries and left not only children but their mothers war-torn and desperate for peace. Arellano’s writing speaks so profoundly to this issue of babies and children engulfed in the fights of others who have no one to speak for them or represent their well-being. Her line: ‘no longer will man be born from dust or rib,’ relates directly to the book of Genesis where God takes a rib from Adam and puts it in Eve and creates both man and women from the dust of the earth. This symbolizes peaceful creation wherein our basic needs as humans are represented and cared for by either our families or those surrounding us. But in today’s violent and forceful word, children are born into war, violence and dangerous situations wherein they fend for themselves.

Moreover, Arellano’s sentence pulled from her brilliant poetry addressing the current political and social issues facing women today not only shows the need to change certain aspects of society we still cling to but urges others to change their way of operating only for selfish gain and to focus on the needs of those without a voice. A perfect example in social media to represent Arellano’s writing where women and children have no voice and are born into violence and forceful behavior is the new hit show The Handmaiden’s Tale. This show depicts a young woman in a futuristic yet conservative way of life wherein the women in the world’s population can no longer bare children. Therefore, in certain parts of the country where the military controls these women, the government forces the women who can still have children to have ritualized, forced sex with government officials whose wives cannot have children. After the handmaiden gives birth, the child goes to the official’s wife who raises the child as their own only to have the handmaiden sent back to the prison-like circumstances to be bred again. This violent government controlled way of producing children accurately represents Arellano’s words addressing children being born into violence and forceful behavior. And while this future may not exist yet, Arellano’s words of warning may yet be remembered if the actions of the world do not give voice to women and the children they bare. 

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