Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog #3- Chapter 10 Interpersonal Relationships in Culture

Amanda Gould
1, November 2017
Blog #3- Chapter 10 Interpersonal Relationships in Culture

I am in my second year of college and have taken around 4 communication classes already and I have learned so much about myself and how we communicate daily with one another. It is amazing how people work with one another and how cultures and diversity play a major role in the way we perceive one another. “We want connection even as we celebrate our independence.” (Chapter 10 Interpersonal Relationships in Culture pg. 200) Remember back in the good ole’ days when we were younger and any movie or television show seemed to make this perfect fairytale story in our eyes? Well our little minds only knew as that to be true because of how naive we were when we were younger. As we have gotten older we have only learned unfortunately that is not exactly how relationships in life work. This article that I have found speaks numbers on how comparing our own relationships won’t help the ones we have already built get stronger but only make it weaker. 
As we sit in our living rooms we get wrapped up and become so engaged into a film and imagine ourselves in a perfect relationship or living the best life when in reality relationships are not perfect because we are not perfect individuals. We indulge ourselves in the thoughts that the relationships and couples the media portrays to us is what we need, when in reality we are missing out on learning more about ourselves and one another. I believe we as a society need to stop imagining those unrealistic relationships to be true. We are not appreciating what we do have and before we know it, those loved ones in front of us can be gone. By facing the challenges that come across our paths will only help that love and bond grow even stronger, instead of ignoring it and comparing it to something that is not even real.

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