Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog #3

Sydney Horton
Communications 160
Christina Ivy
31 October 2017

There is a lot that can be said about the evolution of feminism throughout the generations. I’ve always found the subject to be very inspiring and empowering to me not only as a woman, but as a person. The more I learn about famous feminist and the books,shows, and movies they do, the more fascinated I get with the topic. Someone I found extra inspiring was Audre Lorde and the reading we had on her. This was one of the most interesting to me because she was oppressed in 3 ways and that is a lot more than the average person. That got me thinking about situations I’ve been in where I think my problem is the biggest when in reality, there are people that have it a lot worse. She was present for the third wave of feminism in which people finally came to the conclusion that if you are a person who believes everyone of every gender should be treated equally, then you were a feminist. I believe it is extremely important for that message to finally come across to everyone. Especially now, if you call someone a feminist there is a 50/50 chance that they will get offended just based on the stigma that some women have added to it. I, of course, am a feminist but it took awhile to realize it because I had this view of feminism as a way for girls to complain about small, insignificant stuff. However, that was years ago and now I am loud and proud to support a movement about equality. I’ve been eager to learn more about it and about the ways the different women are oppressed. It is a simple concept that women are treated differently in society and not given the same “rights” and privilege that men are. It is difficult to realize when people are being anti-feminist sometimes because a joke here and there doesn’t seem bad but it is hurtful to women kind. I feel very strongly about some of the needs to movement represents such as reproductive rights, anti- slut shaming, and in general, just the right to live the same way that many men do. That is why our particular president…. Irritates me because he is the absolute opposite of progress especially with feminism. Half the reason I was so upset with the election was not only because he got away with everything and all the allegations toward him and is now able to represent us as a country, but people all around me let it happen and contributed to it. It almost hurts my feelings knowing that people can simply overlook sexual assault allegations that easily. Sexual assault and domestic violence are still and huge problem and by giving Trump the platform that he has, we are saying it's okay for men to continue to do that because no repercussions will come from it. I believe every women has, in some way, been subject to either assault or slader due to myology. However, it does warm my heart seeing all the support that women have been getting lately due to allegations toward sexual predators and I think it brave for those women to step forward and speak out. I understand how dangerous and overwhelming it can be to come forward but it is more beneficial to come forward so the same thing doesn’t happen to another girl. All in all, feminism touches on many aspects involved in being a woman, and I think it is an essential tool for change around the world.

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