Thursday, November 2, 2017

Blog #3

Word Wielding Womb 

The article we read by Amy Arellano caught my attention. This isn't something I know much about. Im a 22 year old male. So this was a completely knew point of view for me. For her to set up her information in poem form was easy to read and resinated more with me. The W's lining up made me think of the W's in Wonder Woman. Word Wielding Womb was a perfect title. It gave a voice to something that physically doesn't. When we read this article and had discussions about it all I could think about was that scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High when the girl goes into the clinic by herself after she got a ride from her brother who thought she was going bowling. Abortion and television, at least the television that I watch, rarely come together. 

This is the link for the conversation between the girl who got the abortion and her best friend. The guy that was going to be the father told her he would be there and pay for it but then didn't show up. So they get back at him for being a "Little Prick"

This reading really opened my eyes to a subject that I had little to no knowledge on. I got a whole new view on life. Literally. I enjoyed this topic even though it is a very touchy subject. 

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