Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog 3

Blog 3

Being a communication major, I have taken many classes regarding how we should communicate with people in the most effective way. However, I have never been in a class before that has challenged my views of the world so much. I never really realized things that happen and I have found to be appropriate and they are not appropriate to other people. As I learn more about the world we live in, I increasingly have a better understanding of people.
The documentary that we watched about Disney was not only confusing but evoking. I never really looked deeper into how Disney portrayed characters and now that I watch it in this documentary, I can see what people are talking about when it comes to the writers being misogynistic or showing that abuse is ok. As a child, I did not pick up on these cues, but now I see why parents would be concerned that their child is watching shows like these. It really can put out the wrong image when children see things on tv.
Also, the idea of abortion is a really touchy topic. I believe that woman should have the right to do whatever they want, but in my opinion, I do not understand how someone could live with the guilt that they killed a child. Their child. I understand that some women do not have the option of being pregnant because they were raped, but that is not the child's fault. That child should be given the chance to life a happy and full life with a family that has adopted them.
In conclusion, I think there are many controversial topic in this class that will cause us as students to really think about our world and how we are living in it. We need to make conscious decisions to be good role models for the generations to come. Otherwise, children will grow up in such a way that there will be no way to recover from the emotional damage.
Image result for disney

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