Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog 3 Bullying

Nicholas Plaskett
Communications 160

Bullying Kills

     After closely analyzing all the different readings I have done over the semester, I closely picked the article "Family Bullies" by Keith Berry and Tony E. Adams.  Bullying is a serious issue in society and can often times put a loved one in danger.  Bullying among families is also a popular issue because it can greatly affect the people living in the household.
     Growing up as a child I was bullied to an extent in middle school and it felt like there was no way getting out.  I felt trapped and lost walking around my intermediate school grounds, because I always felt like someone was analyzing and judging my every move.  "Research also typically conceptualizes bullying as a deliberate subset of aggression that involves, and is possible because of, a power imbalance between aggressors and victims. This imbalance leaves victims less able to defend themselves physically, emotionally, and relationally. Being bullied can lead youth to suffer from debilitating health issues, including depression" (Bond, Carlin, Thomas, Rubin, & Patton, 2001).  It left me in a very sad state and I felt acting on my brother and sister was my only option to cope with the pain.  By being bullied by other peers, it almost turned me into a bully myself.  My mother always use to say, "Bullies bully other children because they do not feel good about themselves."  I think this is a true fact because I was witnessing this first hand at a young age.  However, after I left middle school, I also began to loosen up on my brother and sister as well, not having jealousy towards them, like I did before.  
     Bullying is a serious issue around the world and it should not be take lightly because it can cause someone their own life.  One thing that I can take from this article, is that we all need to come together as a community and express love rather than hate.

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