Friday, November 3, 2017

Blog #3

Interpersonal Relationships in Culture
Interpersonal relationships as described in our text is “an exchange that occurs between people who are in an interdependent relationship.”  Interdependent relationships are understood as contributions, and efforts that are simultaneous between two people. This interaction between two people is a core fundamental when sustaining relationships.  Not only are physical contributions in a relationship important but also conversation. The text suggests relational dialectics, as it can help “explore relational lives that are always shaped by contradictory impulses that arise in and through communication.”  This is essential when opening yourself and exploring self-discourse in the case of revealing information about yourself that another person would not initially know.
            Baxter and Montgomery acknowledge components within a relationship and developed 3 primary dialectics. The first dialect attention they bring forward is the balance between connection and separation. In class we had watched 3 different videos that clearly represent 3 of the dialectics, as I examined each of these clips I found myself reflecting on my personal life and how I resonate with these examples. First thing that came to mind was social media and the impact it has on my personal relationships I have with people, which in turn effect the connection and separation I have with each friend. A study I found Relational dialectics and social networking sites: The role of Facebook in romantic relationship escalation, maintenance, conflict, and dissolution employed by Baxter found that “Romantic partners are able to connect with each other and integrate their social networks on Facebook, but some struggle to maintain privacy and independence.” This gave me indication, and a helpful example when understanding connection and separation in relationships, whether they romantic or friendly.
            The second dialect is certainty and uncertainty. This was one, out of the three dialectical primaries that I found myself resonating with most. In class we discussed the purpose of clarifying tensions between knowing and not knowing where the relationship is going, I think this is most important because it sets a tone and path for furthering relationships, and how one would choose to communicate and defy whether it is interdependent or dependent. Burgers I-Thou, and I-It also show great respect to finding certainty in a relationship. Finding object centered, and personal centered can help find grounds, and even a depending partner.
            Lastly identifying the tensions between openness and closedness. Reaching this point can manage a lasting relationship, or a quick end. Pricacy managent is a term we discussed in class which creates boundaries of information giving and concealing information based relationships.

            Building relationships is based on listening, communicating and these three concerning dialectics. I have noticed within each of my friendships and relationships, I can identify each of these annotations as a part of every situation, or thought that was encounter within each of my relationships. It is important to being open, finding a connection, and clarifying feelings when hoping, or striving for long lasting relationships with anyone.

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