Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Blog 3

Mediated Culture

            My favorite sentence from this section’s reading is in chapter 11; “Like fish immersed in water we swim constantly through media, which develop and shape our perceptions, goals, desires and beliefs”. * (italics mine.)  I then wondered if this were true?  Aren’t we in control of our goals, desires and beliefs? Doesn’t media, through its never-ending opinion polls and surveys, actually try to discern what our goals, desires and beliefs are so they can decide what products to sell us?

To answer I considered a couple of television commercials I viewed recently. What is a Mountain dew commercial selling? Soda pop or the youth lifestyle you can experience by using their product? Or the “Toyota-lets go places” ad campaign for the Toyota Camry. There is no mention of the car itself but rather the depiction of an idyllic suburban middle-class lifestyle, a young couple with two children (boy and a girl) happily living the American dream (in the Camry). Are these lifestyles created by the media or merely reflect what was already there?

Next, I reflected on my own behavior.  Not trusting advertising, I have always tried to be an informed and shrewd consumer. Subscribing to “Consumer Reports” and avidly reading through each issue. Carefully reading ingredient labels before purchasing a product.  Following the research of organizations like the Environmental Working Group  Yes, I’m one of those people who can’t buy a coffeepot without studying the specs and reading the reviews on all the different models. It is essential living in an economy dependent on the never-ending consumption of disposable commodities where “Buyer Beware” is the prevailing policy.  

Was this culture of advertising mistrust created by these afore mentioned media sources or were these media created in response to our mistrust.  I tried to get a feel for when they appeared and how many consumer advocacy media outlets there are but the number is mindboggling.
Just one website contained a database of over 2000 periodicals alone. **

I think most would agree that the answer to whether media creates or reflects culture  is  that it probably does both.  Perhaps it’s a matter of degree. For me it provides more questions than answers.  

*Warren, John T.  & Fasset, Deanna L. Communication, a Critical/Cultural Introduction 2nd Edition SAGE Publications Inc 2015 p211

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