Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Multi layered analysis

“We lead with the ethic that there is always more to
understand than what we assume at first glance”

Life is a complicated beast that is multi-faceted which is in part why our minds work so hard to simplify issues. The Quotation above was my choice for the most important sentence in the chapter, because it calls to attention the idea of a complex multi layered world. In this essay we will discuss the importance of understanding that things are much more complicated than they seem. We will do this by first discussing what is the common human nature when regarding issues and circumstances before flipping to the other side of the coin and seeing the impacts of looking at everything as if it is surface level.
According to psychologyandsociety when regarding persuasion humans have two ways in which they come to decisions, the peripheral and central route. When an individual uses the peripheral route to make their decisions, they are not using logic or reasoning to affect their decision, but rather they are deciding what to do based on surface level material i.e, the speakers looks or voice. When an individual uses the central route to make their decisions they are looking to the logic and the argumentation to decide the best course of action. The way in which this relates to the most important sentence is that it shows that decision making is multi layered. The harm of this is that when a person uses the peripheral route (the first glance) a person is not using all of the possible data to decide what is the best course of action. Also do to our natural biases of being comfortable with people more like us we are often left making decisions that uphold societal structures or diminish other voices. The opposite is true however when one chooses to use the central route. When doing this an individual realizes that what the person is saying has substance and that their issue is complex. This leads to reasoning and analyzing meaning rather than accepting something at face value.
One of the largest possible impacts of this is the idea of echo chambers. An echo chamber is when an individual is stuck in a space where they constantly hear the same voices upholding their world view. In an echo chamber because of constant validation a person is not put in a position where they feel like they must question the way in which they view the world. The take the first glance as what is true, and that reduces critical thinking and leads to people believing things that are acceptable that are not. Where as if people were willing to attack their own beliefs with the other side of the coin, they could possibly see how another person with the same experiences as them could see that perspective differently. When a person sees the world as okay in every form of which they see it that leads to social inaction that continue to allow marginalized bodies to be ever oppressed in the status quo. In this brief write up we looked into the most important sentence in the chapter to see the importance of looking beyond the surface level.


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