Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blog Post #3

Ashley Olson
Communication 160
Blog post #3
“How food television is changing America”
            In the article How food television is changing America, Thomas Rogers is basically talking about is that even though cable is essentially dying, that the Food Network is doing very well. Which really makes you think about how America is changing because of food television and what aspects of America is changing.
            Thomas Rogers says that, “people are talking and thinking more about food,” which makes sense (not stereotyping, but America is known as the most obese country in the world) because the ever growing social media world is constantly showing how to cook, what people are having for their meals, how to meal prep, and what the best restaurants are. In this section of the article, he argues that people consume more salt and calories when they eat out, which can be argued in this article, as it may be harder to eat healthy while you eat out, it is definitely possible.
            This article talks about the ways that you can eat out and depending on what you are eating, and how to cut back on things that are unhealthy for you. Dining out can be just as healthy as eating in, its just about the choices you make. The study that this article did, states that those who cooked at home at least six to seven times a week consumed an average of 2,164 calories, while those who dined out more cooking at home no more than once a week, consumed an average of 2,301 calories daily. While it may be 200 more calories a day, this is easy to cut back on depending on what you decide to eat.
            I found this interesting because I find that I eat out more than I eat at home, which you could say does not fall under the clean eating avenue of eating out. Its more of a fast food eating out, but I didn’t necessarily know that most people that eat clean at restaurants consume that same amount as people that eat at home daily.

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