Friday, October 27, 2017

Blog #3

Natasha Benedetti
Chapter 11

"Media surround us. Like fish immersed in water, we swim constantly through media, which develop and shape our perceptions, goals, desires, and beliefs" (Warren & Fassett, 2015).

We haven't lived in a society with the technology and media we have in the present day, until now. Advances in technology are growing faster than ever before. I've heard people say multiple times that "as phones are getting smarter, people are getting more dumb." I believe this may be the case for some but not all. The media is something we have discussed in class and it always leaves me with more questions, wondering how it will impact the future.

In class we talked about the role Disney has had in the world. Disney is something many people have grown up watching and sends lots of subliminal, repetitive messages. It can be hard to analyze Disney because we don't know how many of the messages portrayed were actually intentional. Some believe it supports abusive relationships and even encourages racism but I believe, one also needs to take into consideration, the time of film's production and what life was like back then. Although there is a lot controversy over Disney, it's something that is still very alive in today's society and continues to shape and impact the newer generations.

Social Media such as facebook, instagram, and twitter is another big topic we can look at. This is something that can really tie back to the quote I chose. Social media has grown immensely in the last 10 years and continues to boom. People sit on their phones for hours scrolling through pictures, tweets, and statuses. Watching what your friends do, causes you to want to do it. We put up unrealistic, always happy, and always picture perfect lives. No one likes to post about the bad things and it's changing the world. We are allowed to see and know so much but at the same time there is so much not shown and things we don't see.

Watching a friend becoming successful by their posts on social media could cause one to reconnect with them. Life is completely different than what it used to be. No one has lived in a world that has the technology that we now do. We can only predict what will happen to today's society due to the media that is so prevalent because no one has ever been in the position we are in. Some consider us lucky and others wish to turn the clock back or wished they were born in a different era. All we can do is control what we are able to control, use the media in a moderate amount, and hope for the best. The journey ahead will be an interesting one.

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