Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Blog 3 for Robert Glasson

            What I want to return to from our reading is the concept of a simulacra. The basic definition for simulacra is anything that poses as the actual thing but has become different in key ways. Thus, making something new and original.
            This word perplexed me for a while until the point where I was mulling it over until I could work out my own example. To which I came up with porn. Yes, I found a way to write a blog post for a class about porn. Teeheehee. The way that porn is simulacra is that at its core it is supposed to represent sex. But ask anyone who has had sex and who has watched porn it is so not the same thing. Porn makes the act of sex appear to be something that can happen at the drop of a hat, so not the case. Porn makes both the participates attractive and quite well endowed, so not the case. Porn makes the act of sex itself seem entertaining and safe, again so not the case.

There any many theories about how porn has created unrealistic expectations of sex within the consumers. I would argue that this is the case since the people who have consumed porn usual are the most inexperienced at sex. So, the substitution of something they believe to be sex created false expectations of what sex is. To which all I have to say is sad face.

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