Monday, October 30, 2017

living in a society that belittles women

Before starting this blog I was looking back through the previous reading from the last several weeks trying to figure out what reading had a sentence that impacted me greatly. After looking at quite a few of the older reading I remembered that just last week I read something that made me think of the “the most important sentence” for this blog. The reading that i'm referring to is Amy Arellano’s “Word Wielding Womb”.  The sentence that completely changed my thinking of the reading was, “That women are to be seen and not heard.” This statement felt really important and like something I needed to share because of how relevant it is to all women. Everywhere you look women are objectified by society. Weather its in public or on social media it's something that happens daily. As a women going into the field of sportscasting I constantly have men look down on me because of the way I look and because I am a female society assumes I don't know sports. Men are not the only people that objectify females. Women do it as well. Halloween is a good example of this. Some women choose to dress more conservative while others choose to dress more provocatively. I don't believe either is bad but some women do. This weekend I dressed a little more on the provocative side and one of my friends told me I looked like I was asking for sex. First of all, a women should be able to go out dressed however they want without having people think they are looking for anything. Second of all, saying something like that is contributing to rape culture.Heres a link to rape culture being connected to a current event

Unfortunately society looks at women as objects and teaches women to dress more appropriately to avoid being raped. Maybe a better alternative would be to teach people not to rape??? This sentence made me think beyond the text but, it also changed my perspective on the entire reading. When I'm assigned reading about women and how we are looked at as a society I usually don't connect with the text on a personal level. After I read that line I went back to the beginning and started over and really dissected everything. The most important thing I got out of this reading was the realization that not only are all women oppressed but as a women you are looked at as lesser being.

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