Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Media: Good nor all Bad

Abbey Turpin
Comm & Culture 160
31 Oct. 2017
Blog Post #3
Media: Good nor all Bad.
“Media are neither all good nor all bad. How we use the media makes the difference- do we pay attention to our critical minds, or do we allow the authors to create meaning for us?”

This quote exponentially stuck out to me within Chapter 11, titled Mediated Culture. Something that often swirls and twirls within my mind is the relationship we, as humans, have to media. I went through a “phase” in high school where I actually grew rather paranoid of smartphones, and it caused me to really take a step back and analyze how friends, family and I use these incredibly complex devices. I went into this personal experiment extracting all the negatives because I realized it is a new, cultural form of addiction. The feeling of paranoia often consumed my being when I would be at a social gathering, watching people take endless videos and pictures, texting, and using social media. I would secretly become so angry, wanting to scream at them “WHY?”. I was limitlessly confused as to why people craved the recognition from others that were not even present in the group, and I often felt as though phones were turning our species into slight robots. Watching my friends allow the culture within social media change them, sent me to hate my phone, yet even with this personal awareness, I would STILL find myself checking the endless apps mindlessly. The constant confusion and endless questions regarding the role of smartphones in our culture and their own evolution led me to feel alone and misunderstood because none of my peers seemed to see what I saw. In fact, they often thought I was “thinking too much into it”, but the passionate fire against smartphones did not seem to leave me.

There is absolutely no doubt that our society as a whole is changing at a rapid pace due to the integration of social media and smartphones. Although I was consumed in a “phase” of despising these precarious changes, I realized I could not avoid it- so it was time to alter my own, personal perception. I slowly started deleting different apps that did not serve me in any way to my “greater good” so to say. I “unfollowed” various accounts, and began following different accounts that I found to be beneficial to my personal growth. I began appreciating the simplicity in what old peers posted, while enjoying the “deeper” writings from new accounts. Social media is used to a limit still, but I have detached myself from the paranoid feelings because I grew more calmly critical. At this point, I can only hope that others can become conscious in what they are being fed through their smartphones and social media, while maintaining my own conscious and observant eye. I have grown to a state where I recognize the connection that these devices and apps give, and I have grown to truly appreciate how I have the INCREDIBLE opportunity each day to literally discover anything at my fingertips. The evolution of mankind is truly insane and incredible all at once.

I would also enjoy touching on the subject of Disney due to our discussions in class. I never realized how gravely Disney could have truly shaped me, my peers, and our society all together. It absolutely boggles my mind thinking of how I could have been conditioned to think certain ways when I watched these huge, sparkling fantasies. Although I may not ever know exactly how I have been shaped from Disney, I will choose to appreciate the glorious imagination and happiness it gifted me in my youth. Disney creates true magic and optimism to life on Earth, and the glorious colors that flood each movie will always create a warm sensation within my heart.

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