Thursday, February 2, 2017

January Blog

One thing I find interesting is the idea of construction when it comes to communication. Construction is defined in the text as "the act of making, of putting pieces together, to build our social lives through communication". On page 11 of chapter one, the text states "communication is never just a conduit, channel, or tool for transferring information. Communication always produces, makes, and constructs" These are both so true and crucial in building up our own self image and also ourselves as social creatures.

Any verbal or nonverbal we use says a lot about who we are and it constructs peoples perceptions of us. Today I had a conversation with a co-worker that lasted for about 30 minutes, however over those 30 minutes we went from where were from to what music we like to Chik-fil-a. Throughout the course of the interaction we formed a successful conversation that was all over the place. We "put pieces together" and from those pieces we built more and more.

If I was to say I'm from New York and that was it, it would've been a statement followed by no response. However when I say I'm from New York, it often times brings up the question "what are you doing in Idaho?" or it'll trigger someone to tell me about their own experiences. This isn't something you would normally think of in your regular interactions, but it's fascinating to think about how you build a conversation especially when you look back and think "how did we get here?"

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