Thursday, February 2, 2017

January Blog Post

Lauren Peña
Blog Post One
                                    Pedagogy and Advocacy in the Classroom
            Pedagogy is the method or practice as to how academia is taught by a teacher or professor. Effective pedagogy is key for a beneficial classroom setting; while advocacy is displaying support for a specific cause.
            In the link that I post at the end of this writing, you will see a third grade teacher from Pennsylvania named Jasmyn Wright give an encouraging message of to “push through”. Whether it is on school matters or in their personal lives, if there is an obstacle to just ‘push through’.
            Pedagogy is reflected in this video because Ms. Wright is trying to teach her students that there will be some difficult times that they will have to endure but they need to push through it, no matter how complex. This can be a beneficial message because it shows that the media is also pointing out the good things that are happening in our society, especially given the demographics of this video. With the chaos of our current political climate is it nice to know that there are people out there who recognize the flaws in society and help encourage people to push through, no matter what.
            Pedagogy is important because schools teach students some very important life lessons. Peers and mentors have a powerful influence on our young. Without effective pedagogy there would be no videos like this that can help people in times of struggle.
Link to video:

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