Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February Blog Post- Tomas

Tomas Idoeta
Blog Post 2

It mentioned in the reading of The Master's Tools, "Difference between a passive be, and the active being" (pg 111). I am taking this into the subject of being an active bystander in your communities. For examples, when someone is not being treated equally, racism, or for their sex that you try to intervene. These topics a lot of times are pushed underneath the rug in a sense, because it is an awkward thing to talk about for others, or to event confront others for their mishaps. These kind of actions needs to stop, in America we need to make even more awareness for the communities inside our states, and treat these subjects of personal attacks as how it should be treated, with respect. America as a whole is afraid of conflict, and tend to avoid it as much as it can. 2016 has been a very tough year for a lot of personal attacks, and it is sickening that not much has been done to help. The article of The Master's Tools, "It is learning how to stand alone, unpopular and sometimes reviled, and how to make common cause with those others identified as outside the structures in order to define and seek a world in which we can all flourish"(pg 112). Most people have the desire to be accepted by your peers is very strong to you. This is true for young people, since their social environments like family and school are where we first learn how to "fit in" with the people around who we are surrounded by. Much of our self-image is shaped by our early formative experiences, so our perception of social success or failure during those years is a vital factor in developing our self-esteem. An argument, or a thing that I have extreme passion for is social activism. Which is defined as intentional action with the goal of bringing about social change. Always working for a change in our society, and I believe that means we need to do what is best for our society and the people who are living in it. For example, racism is set of beliefs that some people are inferior or superior to others because of their distinctive biological characteristics which are defined by race. It is a hard topic to talk about for sure makes people feel awkward, and like to avoid conflict. That is something that I have learned over the years is that the world is afraid of conflict. That if you confront someone for the wrong doing that they will usually collapse in fear of conflict. That is why "standing alone", is a major key to life, how that you sticking up for yourself, and view point can make a change on this world.

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