Thursday, December 1, 2016

November blog post

When I read “Making My Narrative Mine: Unconventional Articulations of a Female Soldier” my eyes were opened to the first-hand experience of a woman in the military.  I have never thought about the way a person could be treated in the military. We have all heard some short boot camp story from our grandparents or from a Hollywood flick. I think it’s wildly known that boot camp isn’t easy and the conditions are rough. Drill instructors are there to belittle you and make you feel weak. There positions require them to break you down mentally and physically to push you to your limits. They yell and belittle you leaving you feeling worthless and lost. They make you question whether or not this is what you wanted for yourself. After you have reached your breaking point they build you back up shaping your character. The adversity that you faced during boot camp will help you not only in times of war but for everyday life. At one point in my life I considered joining the military.  I took in consideration the things that come with joining the military, and the military life is just not for me. I think the military takes a certain person to join the military. Joining the military takes courage and requires a person to put their life on the line to have the free county we do today.
I have heard good and bad things about the military but nothing like the story Manda V. Hicks story. I have never thought about a woman in the military and the way she gets treated. I believe a person should be treated respectfully until proven otherwise. The way this woman was treated just because she is a girl is wrong and unacceptable. The constant reminder that she was a girl was eye-opening for me. The military is supposed to be a respected establishment and they should be treating hicks as one of their own. I think the men that treated her badly or made her feel this away are ignorant. This is someone who went through the same training as them and will be the one fighting along next to them so they should have acted like it. They should have treated her based on what she brought to the table not her gender. In an article from the Baltimore Sun talks about how they lifted a ban on women being able to join special forces units. The article also talks about that now the ban is lifted woman will be based off their ability not their ability not their gender.  This is how hicks should have been treated from the beginning. She should have been treated based off her qualities she brought to the military not her gender. This is the first step in many to change the way the military treats woman. It’s important we make this change. I think allowing girls to join the special forces will open up new possibilities for woman giving them a voice. A voice that will help continue grow this great country


Gender equality in the military. (2015, December 6). Retrieved December 1, 2016, from

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