Thursday, December 1, 2016

Family and Societal Bullying

Carson Sandau

My whole I've been called a bully. I've always been bold and sassy, so when I say what everyone else is thinking, some people find it rude, mostly my family. After reading the article "Family Bullies" by Keith Berry and Tony E. Adams, I was shown just how damaging bullying in a family can be. Me and my sister have always fought, and most likely until we are a 1,000 miles apart, we will continue to do so. However, after reading this article and seeing just how detrimental bullying in a family can be, I might easy up on her. In the article, it talks about different types of bulling. Victoria used a more defensive type of bullying, while I use a more offensive type. Mostly I just want to make people laugh, and this is easily accomplished by making harmless jokes about the person. This type of being "funny" can be misconstrued as offensive and  can make people actually feel bad. This could be considered a type of bullying if there is not clear communication that it was just a joke. A lot of bullying could be fixed if people would just communicate how they felt. Hopefully informing people to share their differences rather than just fight about them will help resolve issues and make people get along better.

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