Thursday, December 1, 2016

November Blog Post

Maddi Osburn
November Blog

                                                            November Blog Post
            “An organizations’ culture is a primary means for creating an environment of inclusion, respect, and fairness, and fostering ethical practices by organizational members” (Keeping It Real, Case Study 9, Arnold and Lampee,1999). This statement from the case study 9 is so accurate because in order to have a successful organization, team, or group you have to have the three basic principles which is respect, you have to have ideas coming from all members and you need fairness. If these principles are not applied in a group there is no way they can be successful. Bruce Duncan author of The Sixth Core Strength says “The ability to respect oneself and others is the last of the six core strengths that are an essential part of healthy emotional development.” This makes respect very important because if people cant have relationships without respect what makes anyone think they can have a successful organization without respecting each other. Susan M. Heathfield, How to Demonstrate respect in the workplace talked about how she had asked multiple employees what they want from their work experience and the majority of them stated they wanted respect. They wanted their bosses and coworkers to treat them with respect and like they have dignity.

            For me personally, being on a volleyball team where we are together every day, the number one thing on our team is respect. If there is a lack of respect on our team it makes our lives hell. Right off the bat, the very first thing that we talk about before season is we need to respect each other. Whether we like each other or want to hang out with each other, we have to respect one another. 

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