Thursday, September 29, 2016

September Blog

By: Cassidy Miller
Comm 160

"This is why your communication instructor is likely to fuss if you say "communications" instead of "communication"; the first suggests products, the messages themselves (like an email or a television show), while the second foregrounds the process itself." (Warren, Fassett p.14) When I first heard this I had no idea that there was a difference. When I took this class and all my other communications classes I learned that communication is an interaction between two people and communications is thru technology. While we talk about the discussions in class, it all makes sense why there is a difference. If you were to say communication instead of communications, you will have two different contexts being expressed through your words.

In the outside source I found this youtube video that a student interviewed students on what they think the difference is between communication and communications. I would say if you were not a communication major or minor most people do not understand the difference between the two. Its true professors do freak out about this term being used in the correct context. 

This phrase is culturally correct because this word can change the context of a sentence. If you say I am in a communications class that means you are in a class that you use technology to interact with others, but really you are in a communication class where you communicate with other humans. This is an important topic to know the difference between the two. You could make yourself sound very uneducated if you say the wrong one. But now you know the difference and so do I. 

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