Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September Blog Post

Katie Scott
Communication 160

September Blog Post

            It took me a while to find a quote that really spoke to me. I kept trying to convince myself that some quotes fit me but really didn’t. Then I found one that stated in chapter 6, “Yet other’s won’t often recognize that her body will lead her to meaningful lessons about reality; most will suspect that her insights are “abnormal”, distorted, or the result of her illness”. This really touched me. I have always been that happy kid. From a young age, I always made friends, I played all the sports and I loved being around people. My mom would always say, “You are such a firecracker”. I always loved being the center of attention and I always wanted to be around people. I did, until I was a junior in high school. I started to lose a bunch of weight, I never talked to everyone, I just went to practice and then came home and went up to my room. My parents took me to the doctor and I am diagnosed with anorexia, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, and a learning disability. School has always been difficult for me. Teachers have never understood how I learned things. I always masked me not understanding things by just being loud and obnoxious. When I look at how this relates to class, I look at not judging people. I chose the picture below because I thought it related well with the past few years of my life. I have struggled a lot but even if I may appear mad or sad, I don't want people to actually think that i am really like that because I am the complete opposite. 

Sometimes, when I am having a really rough day, I just don’t want to talk to anyone. This made me recognize that people might have a mental illness too and that I shouldn’t be so harsh. This class, and other classes, has taught me to realize not to be so quick about conclusions regarding people. Because there could be an underlying issue as to why they are being so stand offish. I know people have stayed away from me because I have been quiet sometimes and they just assume that I am a mean person. Not only has this changed my life and the way I look at people, but also something that happened to me and my family about a year ago. My aunt passed away very unexpectedly and it turned our whole world around. She was such an important person in my life and everyday I miss her smile and her love for life. She was the person who always loved people no matter what. Dianne was the person who would light up the room because she was always happy about something. Even though I came to realize how precious life was after her death, I am happy to take something positive away from her death. Dianne has taught me to cherish every moment even if you have some problems going on. For the past year, I have never been happier. I always think of what she would do and then do it. Dianne has helped me so much in ways that nobody else could do. With whatever I am faced with whether it be school, anxiety, or problems with my parents, I can always just talk to her as if she was still with me and it makes me feel relaxed. I know she is always with me. I plan on living life like Dianne would have continued living her life.            `

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