Sunday, April 1, 2018

Blog #3

I chose to talk about the Six Myths About Culture. The quote that stuck to me was,

" Citing political corrections requires a stable image of culture. That is, for you to say that something is PC, you have to first believe that culture is basically a static thing that remains constant. For instance, if you examine the history of race in America, you can see there have been major shifts in how we, as a society, have treated race" (Fassett, 171).

This quote stuck to me because I would say that in society throughout the years race has been a major issue. Race has been a big part of society throughout the years. Race is who we define ourselves as. Where we come from and what are background is. Many people come from different places and have different backgrounds. We have to understand that everyone is not the same and we all come from different places.

Coming from a small island and moving to the states especially Idaho. It was a major culture shock for me because I am so used to the island life. Being in the states taught me a lot about people. Through out the years that I lived here I met so many people from different places. I think that it is important to surround yourself and have diverse friends. The reason for that is because if you don't you will be close minded to meeting new people. I think that it is important to be open minded and get to know other people from different places.

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