Sunday, April 1, 2018

March Blog Post

“Dialogue is a process where people try to come together to talk, often spontaneously, honestly, and without judgment, to clarify particular, often conflicting beliefs, values, and practices.” I chose this quote because I just recently switched my major to communication and Iven never read too much into the rules and pathways of communication. And now that I am surrounded by classes that all have to do with the many different types of communication. But this biggest thing that comes to mind is how communication is a two way street and I think that that is often forgotten. With people recently only concerned with their opinion and forcing, or trying to force people into thinking the way they do so they don’t have to be bothered to have an educational debate on points of view. Or how when people are having discussions, it isn’t about listening anymore, people listen with the intent to respond, when we should be listening with the intent to understand. I think so many disagreements, common conversations, and talks with superiors will be better understood if people tried harder to listen.

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