Friday, April 6, 2018

Blog Post #3

Blog #3
Matt Walton
Comm 160

“One of the general characteristics that makes us human is our sense of self” (192)

As humans we are vulnerable and susceptible at an early age to outside influences. We use these outside influences such as family, location, and interactions to form our sense of self. Forming our own unique to ourself identity. Identity obviously is influenced by outside factors we experience in life, but I believe genetics will also play a pivotal role. This sparks the Nature vs. Nurture debate. As we get older we align things in our life that play to our identity, incorporating hobbies and interest. We move around to different locations and schools based on what interest or fits our personalities best. As humans we are constantly evolving and picking up new interest along the way. Ive personally been to three different universities, played two different college sports, and moved away from home to Boise, ID from Ohio. All these have played an influential role in forming my sense of self. Ive personally picked up Boxing as another outlet to channel my energy and was something I've always been interested in. This fall I will be studying abroad throughout Europe, with the home country of Cyprus. I'm sure upon my return I will have a different perspective on the world outside the US and myself as a person. I will continue to look for different avenues and places along my journey through life. I believe this is essential for growing as an individual and expanding your comfort zones.

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