Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blog Post 3

“Perhaps one of the greatest injustices that film and television commit, for us as people trying to make relationships work, is the way these storytellers imply that relationships are easy”. I know that almost everyone has seen those sappy, romantic movies, that show us that relationships fall into place or easily can be successful. But can we really have the perfect relationship? Movies visualize relationships as flawless, when in reality relationships can be the farthest thing from flawless. Film and television rarely show the negatives or flaws of relationships, but rather just focus on every positive aspect of them. They idealize beauty, perfection and romance, but don’t express the fights, personal problems, hard times, etc. According to a study done at the University of Michigan, more exposure to romantic movies led to a greater tendency to believe that “love finds a way” and can overcome all obstacles. This is not at all true. I know when I finish watching "The Notebook", I can’t help but to feel hopeful. Film and television lure people into believing in unrealistic expectations or relationships. It is important to be able to recognize this in films and televisions. I think people these days that have never really been in a relationship assume that relationships will be perfect and it is important to not get wrapped up in the relationships shown on television and movies, because they are not an accurate representation of what relationships are really like.

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