Thursday, April 5, 2018


Omar Farfan
Blog Post
COMM 160
“One of the general characteristics that makes us human is our sense of self” (192)

            This quote off of chapter 10 of our text stood out to me the most. Reason being, I believe we as humans from the moment we are born, we pick up every little detail from everybody that we meet and learn how to shape yourself on who you want to be based on those experiences. For example, from the beginning we start remembering and start thinking by ourselves, our parents were the people we first gained this “sense of self”. At a primal level were we only know that they are our parents and caretakers. Also, that they will always be there to rely on, in some cases. From personal experiences my parents have always gave me comfort and support and I hold that to my sense of self. Because I know I can rely on them when I need something. And as we get older we meet friends and people, for example, in high school is where we all are trying to attempt to see where we exactly fit in. Not necessarily fit in in the world, but where do we stand and who exactly we want to be. Finding our true sense of self is a long troubling journey. But in the end, it’ll all be worth it. After college, I personally feel it’s were the real work starts on finding true sense of self. From all the experiences prior to finally living on your own will give you the proper knowledge on how to approach different people. Whether it be business, family, friends, or strangers. We will know how to approach situations and know true sense of self.

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