Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blog Post 3

“How we create relationships then, in light of this knowledge, is about working to better understand this other person as an individual who is both separate from and still connected to us” Chapter 10, pg. 192

I chose to pull this quote from the book because it is something that I can really relate to. A few weeks ago in class, we talked a lot about culture and family dynamic, and how a lot of people are raised differently. An example of a “basic” family that was used in class was a family that had a mom and a dad. This family had 2 kids, the family was religious, and often times enjoyed spending family time together. Although this may be the idea of a basic family, this almost fits my family dynamic to a T, and that is something that I am very proud of. I am someone who is strongly connected with my family and I cherish the culture I have been brought up in. This quote caught my eye because it talks about how when creating relationships, we need to know and understand the individual in ways that may be separate from you, and also ways that are connected with you. Reflecting on this more, I know a lot of people with a family dynamic that is different then mine, such as my boyfriend. My boyfriend has 2 adopted brothers, and his biological father is not in his life, and by me knowing how we was brought up, and the dynamic he lives in, it then helps me form a better relationship with him because I am able to respect his upbringing. I think it is important to always respect the way people are brought up, and this day and age it seems as if everyone is being raised differently; as stated in the article Family Dynamics and Romantic Relationships in a Changing Society, “As society changes and develops, personal relationships can be significantly affected by evolving culture”. This idea is important to remember, because even though society is changing, and people are raised in all different types of family dynamics, in order to build a strong relationship we must first understand the individual’s culture, before really being able to form a strong relationship with them, which is what the quote from the text seems to be saying.

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