Monday, April 2, 2018

Blog 3

Lauren Schoeneshoefer
Blog 3

The quote I have chosen is in chapter 10 of our book. It is "... how outside factors come to shape even the most seemingly individual and enhancing aspects of us, has had a lasting impact on how we think about the significance of interpersonal relationships." Erving Goffman is the man who said this, and he was studying human conduct through a dramatic and theatrical frame. A frame is the environment or set of circumstances that helps you understand how to process or interpret an instance of communication.

I thought this quote because I believe it is extremely true. Take an abused child for example, the child is going to have a different idea of parental relationships, than a child who had two loving parents. That child is going to be sensitive and apprehensive to that interpersonal relationship for the rest of his life. It can sometimes effect the way that child grows up and treats his or her child. Another example, is when I was younger, at my friends birthdays there was a clown. When i went up to the clown it did an extremely creepy clown laugh at me and I immediately started crying. Ever since that day, I have been terrified of clowns. Because of that experience I was scarred for life.

I love thinking about how people create relationships with other people. It is crazy to me how different parts of our lives, and different experiences can effect us later in life. Communications is a good way to study that.

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