Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Most IMportant Sentence

De’Andre Pierce                                                                                                   January Blog Post
The part of the book that I chose to do my blog on was the compassionate critical listening section. Last year I took COMM 130, in which the whole close was based on Listening: how do we define listening, types of listening, how to be good at listening. So when reading this section there was a lot that I could relate to you solely off the class that I took last year as well as my own personal experiences. I think one part of the book that stands out to me is when it talks about how we need to seek, find, and fix the problems that may affect our hearing. “One of the most important steps we can take, as listeners, is first to recognize the conditions that affect our ability to listen” (Pg. 51). I believe this is huge because it happens so often when we are trying to engage and listen in a conversation but we have a hard time staying focused for a long time and getting distracted easily. I know this happens to everybody in class when they are in lecture and zone out for about 5 minutes and don’t even know it until they snap back to reality and have no clue what the teacher is talking about. I listed an article at the end of the page that helps expands on this problem as well as other problems students deal with while in the classroom. So much of our life is about our ability to listen and to be able to comprehend what our teacher, parents, or job is trying to tell us and if we can’t make anything out of it, people are going to have a hard time trying to put together what it is that they are needed to do. When this happens they are often slowed down and can’t fulfill their jobs to their best and are left behind and in the real world they get fired from their jobs. This may seem like I’m exaggerating but think about how many lives could be seriously impacted from something like this. If you are a firefighter and you are told to get a 30 foot ladder but only get a 25 foot ladder, how can you save people from an apartment fire? The ability to listen is a major key in our lives and is something that I believe should be taught at all levels.

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