Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blog #1

Blog #1
In Communication: I choose a sentence from the Communication a critical/cultural introduction book.  “It is important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.” (10) -by president Barack Obama.  Today we are in a culture that is all about our phones, talking over text, messenger, Facebook, or even twitter. There is very rarely any face to face communication.  This semester I am taking a lot of communication and public speaking classes.  Through these classes I am understanding more and more the power of communication and words.
In my nonverbal class we were given an assignment to observe.  We were asked to go on campus and put away our cell phones for 10 to 15 minutes and watch people around us, then we were asked to write down what we observed and saw.  It was an interesting assignment, and brought to light just how much we use our phone, its become a cultural necessity.  There was very little, if none at all, communication going on between people.  Everyone was in their own little world on their phones listening to music or texting.  
Just like my teacher asked us to take 10 to 15 minutes away from our phones and observe what is going on around us, communication wither nonverbal or verbal is important and powerful.  I think as a society today we lack in communicating with an intent to heal or listen with a purpose.  We want to be heard, our own thoughts and ideas, we do not like being ignored, yet the most effective and meaningful dialogues between others is when each person if not only there to give advice but also to listen.  Listening is just as powerful as communicating with others is.
However, listening is much more than just hearing.  It is a critical skill in and of itself from relationships, to taking notes in class, to getting jobs done.  Active listening is the practice of restating what the person has just told you.  At least 50% of effective communication has to do with listening and understanding what is being said.  Hints the reason why repeating or summarizing what is being said to you can be a really helpful and effective.  Also, body language is a big part of listening.  What are you doing with your body when others are talking to you? Do you look engaged, interested, or bored? All these can and will greatly affect your success in communicating.
Work Cited
Warren, John T., and Deanna L. Fassett. Communication: a Critical/Cultural Introduction. Sage, 2015.
Boundless. “Understanding Listening.” Understanding Listening | Boundless Communications, courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-communications/chapter/understanding-listening/.
Listen, Speak & be Heard, Trinity College Dublin. “Trinity College Dublin.” Listening - Effective Communication - Listen, Speak & Be Heard : Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland, 4 Apr. 2013, www.tcd.ie/equality/listen-speak-heard/effective-comm/listening/.

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