Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Akilian Butler Barthes reading

Akilian Butler

In the Roland Barthes reading, the text about the enemy is something that stuck with me throughout the reading. The enemy is an interesting character in any story, and can play many roles. What I mean by playing many roles is showing their actions in other ways other than showing the traditional jealous trait. The enemy will always be there in the end to envy the status of any character. The enemy can come in any form, shape or size. An enemy can come in the image of your best friend. That's the scary part of an enemy, you never know where they are or when you will discover who they are.
This statement made me think of the phrase, “ Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer”. Keep the enemy in sight in order to watch their every move for your sake.the enemy will always be there to watch your every move, despite the circumstances. That is the most scariest thing of one, you never know where they are watching from or if they are in your presence. Trust is hard to come by and putting it into someone who you really are not sure of can be a hazard to you and the things you have in your future.
In every character’s story there is someone who is an enemy, and one thing about them is there really isn't anything that can push them away surly. An enemy will do just about anything for satisfactory on their end of the stick. In Barthes article, reads the enemy still remains, and this is something that we today should always keep in mind. There is always someone watching and wanting you to be defeated, and this should only be motivated to pursue everything you want to be in life and be alert for things that are not genuinely for you.  

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