Tuesday, October 4, 2016

September Blog Post

Jessika Ruggles

Comm 160

Blog Post

The statement that I chose to talk about was “We believe that is is our ethical responsibility to advocate for the world as we wish it to be, a world that desire the best of us all.” I chose this sentence for my first blog post because it relates to current world issues. From the current political debates to the all lives matter issue it is our responsibility to make the world to a better place. There are two things that I want to relate this to, that come directly come from class. The first coming from the BBC documentary, it said that you see things in the context of your own life. I think that this is very important in explaining how I feel about this sentence and the correlation to the documentary. Everyone has a different view of the way the world should be and function but who is right? In this situation not one person is right and so I don’t think that the world will ever be as we wish it. What is good for one person isn’t good for another based upon people coming from different backgrounds and cultures and having their own believe system. Realizing this, I don’t think that the world can ever experience peace. With so many different individuals believing what is ethically and morally right for them and the people around them, I don’t think that we can ever actually come to an agreement. The second idea that I want to take from the document, is that perspective is in the eye of the individual. This also relates to my first correlation because if someone is finally happy where things are going but another is not, it is all in the perspective. I don’t think that there can ever be a world that is best for all of us, because we are all culturally different in many ways. The meme that I chose, everyone can relate to or at least understand. Leonardo DiCaprio is a major actor icon that is known to most, if not all people for many different reasons, hence why I chose him for my meme.

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