Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fear of Mediocrity

Although we are all traveling along on this journey called life…it is a rare occurrence when I read something that captures my life experiences, feelings and emotions as closely as this chapter has.  Reading Man Up: Cracking the Code of Modern Manhood (Chapter 2: Fear: Beneath the Façade) by Carlos Andres Gomez, I felt a brotherhood, an alliance with this man.  There are many sentences that connected with me…”I was so afraid of everything”…”Because I had problems learning to read, I was scared I wasn’t smart”…”I had spent much of my life worrying about everything, overwhelmed by the most paralyzing fear…My heart will just give out one of these days.”  But the most important sentence was, “as I started to move on from the fear of death to the fear of being average.”  This sentence shot right through me.  Someone else had verbalized one of my greatest fears…being average, being less than my full potential.  I had moved away from childhood fears of monsters, scary movies, and blood…toward fears of drugs, not being smart, and illnesses…to unknown situations and feeling out of control.  But as I progressed through stages of my youth, the one thing that continually came back into my head was living a life of mediocrity.  Not fully living, being average was the worst possible outcome for my life.  A life wasted…a life of unfulfilled dreams…a life of accomplishments left undone was my greatest fear.  So, I have placed that fear out in front of me and made a conscious decision to confront it, to attack it with all my energy and with a plan.  What does that look like?  Making changes in my path that aren’t always popular…following my heart and gut when I know it may disappoint others in the process.  I am relentless in all aspects of my life that fulfill me.  I’m embracing every opportunity to live actively while pursuing my passions, my dreams, and my goals.  I am true to myself and I am living with no regrets! 


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