Thursday, October 27, 2016

October Blog Post

“Disney is dangerous”
“Disney shaping children’s imagination”
“Are these the stories we want our kids to see”?
Above are just a few of the quotes that shocked me when we first started watching this film. Disney is a major corporation and many love it. Including my family and I.
 When we watched the film in class, I remember something that a little girl said. Her name is Abigail and she is 9 and she described, “If Belle was my friend and I saw what happened to her, yelling and romantic, I’d be happy for her because she found someone who she liked, and I’d be happy for her that she like the Beast, and that she would stay with him. But I would also feel bad for her because she gets yelled at a lot.” I thought this quote really shows how younger girls look at these Disney movies. Sure, the Beast shouldn’t be acting this way, however, I think he might have been insecure by the way he looked. I think this because throughout the whole movie he continually talks about the way he looks. Overall, the Beast shouldn’t be doing or saying these things but I also think they were thinking a little too much into these movies. I would’ve never even thought about how in The Lion King, they are relating the hyenas to African Americans. I was really shocked when they said this in the film because I thought it was just your classic cartoon. The film spent a lot of time analyzing Beauty and the Beast and while I understand that these scholars are saying no kid should be watching this at a young age, there is also a lot worse things children could be watching.

Growing up, I watched all the Disney movies. I from Southern California so my mom would take my sister and I there a few times a week when we were young. So, when I watched Mickey Mouse Monopoly it kind of made me sad. I am sure my mom saw these movies and probably thought the same thing as I do now. The movie that really shocked me was Beauty and the Beast. I don’t remember watching the movie and thinking that the Beast was doing anything wrong. That’s what is interesting to me. When looking at Beauty and the Beast it is basically a movie all about abuse and violence. There is usually a part of the movie where we learn that the girl has to do something to bring the negativity or ugliness out of the male character to transform them into the prince that they deserve.

After talking to my LA group, I fell like we were all on the same page but they're might have been some other opinions that I don't remember. My view is, I don't think the Disney movies impacted my life negatively so why not so them to my kids. No matter what, my kids are going to see the movie so I might as well show these movies with me watching it with them. When we look deeper into the class discussion, I relate it back to the mediated cultures discussion that we discussed. Like you said in class, " we use and create media even as media use create us". This is a very accurate quote that you used during class to relate back to Disney and Beauty and the Beast. The people who create these movies are just people like us. So it was really them expressing what they think through Disney and people are blaming Disney for these messages but it is really just the people who wrote these movies that we need to blame. Domestic and violence abuse is a huge issue in our culture and seeing these movies as a young child, could trigger these behaviors. I don't think not showing my future kids these movies will help them stay away from this. My solution is to watch these movies with my future kids and if they have any questions then I will be there to ask them. I have known many people to have been domestically abused and I never want my children to be treated this way. I don't want them to be like Belle and just go along with how they are being treated. Watching the movie in class and seeing how much it affected the kids was an interesting thing to see. It definitely has come to my attention now to pay more attention to teach my kids that these behaviors are not normal and have a discussion with them about the movies that they watch that include these behaviors.

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