Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Ryan Davidson Post #3

The topic from class and the reading that I chose for this blog is Simulacra. The definition of Simulacra is an image or representation of something or an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute. In the realm of communications it is a representation or imitation of something inaccurate. In todays media climate there are many instances of President Trump claiming that the "Liberal media" meaning news sources Such as CNN and MSNBC are fake news. Say that they are not accurate representations of his administration. The inverse of that is also an example of Simulacra in that the way President Trump tweets is seen as an unsatisfactory representation of what the President should be like. In my life the most application Simulacra is how Fraternities are represented int he media. They only ever enter into the main stream media is when a singular chapter of a Fraternity does something wrong or  negative and demonize greek life as a whole. Even though there are thousands of chapters throughout the country that do not engage in the wrong doing. As well as positively contributing to the community. Such as my Fraternity raising over $50,000 towards cancer research while I have been in college

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