Friday, June 8, 2018

Anthony White Blog #1

Anthony White 

Blog Post #1

Dr. Christina Ivey

Communication and Culture 

The statement used repeatedly by Made Hicks, “Being a female solider…” was ingrained in my mind the most from her piece. She gives very specific and detailed examples of the female solider experience. This, for me, is especially different to what I expected from the military. One sentence within these confines where Hicks says “Being a female solider is being called a cunt in basic training and a dumb slut when you are promoted to noncommissioned officer.” 

The reason why this is so striking to me is because of the derogatory language toward a Hicks. Personally, I have the upmost respect for women because of how I was raised. Honestly, this shouldn’t be tolerated, even in a military setting. Our military should be a good example for future women to join because they, along with men, are always needed. Of course, we already know that the military is known for being “tough”, but their tactics for training women could be better.

This goes beyond the military setting as well. As discussed in class, the derogatory language and sexualization of women in music videos needs to change. It’s upsetting to see this as the “Norm” for most of our culture, but in reality, it’s truly a devastating thought. There isn’t enough force to challenge the music industry to change. Many of the youth today are so naive when it comes to these situations, and it helps makes them not respectful towards women.       

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