Friday, June 15, 2018

Anthony White Blog #2

The concept that I would like to talk about from the readings was from the "Family Bullies" reading.
In the section titled "Sister Bully", Victoria describes her sister, Lily, as someone who she still wanted to connect with. I will tie this to the Connection vs Separation relationship concept as discussed in class. To me, it seems Victoria valued her relationship with Lily, even though Lily was very much so a bully to her.

This brings to mind the concept of "Family" into the discussion as well. In any other case of bullying (a nerdy kid and a jock for example) the one being bullied, more than likely, would want nothing to do with their bully at all. In the case of Victoria and Lily, the construction of them being "Family" possibly is the reason why Victoria still wants to connect with Lily. This makes the thought of "What does family truly mean to someone?" It could mean many things to many different people.

In this case, for Victoria, the meaning of family is very important. It's so important that she is willing to consistently interact with her sister, even after all the trouble she has caused the family. There is a level of forgiveness in families that may be natural or it could be a part of the construct that's etched in our minds. It's like saying "They are my family and I need to forgive them". This also doesn't only apply to bulling, but also family member dealing with personal issues (drugs, alcohol, etc). There is this immediate act to forgive family because, well, they are family, and that's what families do, right?

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