Friday, June 15, 2018

Jabari Watson blog post 2

   This week’s readings taught me quite a few new dynamics in families and in cultures. One of the concepts I would like to discuss is family bullies. For a large part of my life I thought family bullying is just what was normal. I had a older brother and sister so being picked was something I was accustomed to early on in life. Ever where I looked though the youngest always got picked on. From cousins arguing for name calling to friend’s older siblings making fun and teasing them.  In the section ‘Bully Cousin” a man named Tony talks about his experience with his older cousin Danny that use to wrestle him and call him a sissy. This shocked me not because of Tony getting bullied, but because of how similar this sounds to every kid in my family that grew up with someone older then them.
    In Tony’ s instance he had a small family that he would be with regularly His mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and cousin Danny. When it comes to my family and my up bringing everyone was always right by each other in age. Though I was ten years younger than my sister and five younger then my brother the cousins around me filled in the age gap. My sister was older then every one I was around by a large margin. When I was really young (about four) my cousin Shawn  (age 32), Ny’Keisha (age 31), and Nicole(age 34) were the ones that grew up with one another and they would always bully My brother Greg(age 25), cousin Courtland(age 24), and his sister Kynzie (age 22) . Shortly after that generation comes me (age 20), my cousin Ryan (age 19), his brother  Noah (age 17),  along with our cousin Dylan (age 18), and Dominique (age 19). All throughout my family I saw family bullying but never really associated it with bullying I just saw it as something families do.
    This makes me look at the concepts of family and family bullying and ask the question. Does family bullying occur more frequently  in large families then small families and does family bullying ruin or bring together a family. One thing that glues all the generations together is looking back on those stories of us all getting terrorized together. But sense Tony went through it all alone does that make it more scaring and traumatizing for a child.

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