Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Ryan Davidson Blog post #2

The concept from class and the readings that stood out to me the most is the concept of Co-Construction. This concept stood out becuase it seemed like it was the most prevalent in everyday life. Co-Construction in terms of communication means that we use and create media as media creates and uses us. We as individuals consume and create media through watching the news and using social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr etc... At the same time the media we are getting involved with shapes us and uses us. For example people who use social media tailor they're posts to show certain aspects of lifestyles that is shaped by what people think is cool or what they want people to see. Or how when you like or search certain things then facebook tailors adds to show you things you may like.  Another example is how different news stations have their own stories on the same new subject so depending on what station you watch it will give you story or facts you believe in. An example from my life of Co-Construction is when I was in a Fraternity. There are twitter and instagram accounts called Total Frat Move and Old Row that post pictures and videos of greek life things such as parties, events, and regular day things that people in greek life would like. Eventually things changed from watching other people on the those accounts to my friends and I being featured on those accounts multiple times. This is the exact definition of Co-construction. Another example of this is music. A lot of times in music artists inspire other artists with is the consumption and then creation of media.

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