Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January Blog Post

Taylor Alpaugh
Communication & Culture
COMM 160
January 31, 2017
January Blog Post
All my life people have always told me to speak up and add to conversations. What they do not know is that I am an active listener. I enjoy listening to others than trying to think of something to say to be a part of the group conversation. After reading Ch. 4 Compassionate Critical Listening from our text, one sentence stuck out to me in particular, “Listening as a stance is a way for you to encounter the world and others as fully present, with your whole body.” (Fassett, Warren, 2015, Pg. 65). When doing the yarn activity in during class, it was obvious that no one wanted to go first because they did not want to step on anyone’s toes I the group who may disagree with the overall topic given. Beginning the conversation, I observed that each of us knew more about the topic and were much more passionate. When actively listening to everyone explaining their thoughts it allowed me to take the opportunity to gain insight and learn more about one’s view point. Therefore, the sentence I chose being my choosing to engage and truly listen to what is being said right in front of me. When applying it outside of the classroom, I work at the Idaho State Capital in the dining services and I enjoy listening to what senators must say when discussing and sharing issues. Therefore, I listen advocacy and give them the reassurance that I am listening to what they are saying. I have always been told that people enjoy talking and expressing their thoughts and feelings with me because I enjoy making people feel better and really listening to what they have to say.

            This chapter and sentence that I chose makes me think about the course differently because I have realized that this course will be allowing us to go outside of our comfort zones. I am sure myself and my other classmates have different views and/or just prefer to listen than others, but by setting those aside it can allow us all to actively listen and chose to engage in what is discussed about culture in class and allow it to open our perspectives. All in all, when it comes to learning about culture and how it relates to communication, chose to actively listen and not just hear what is being said. 

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