Tuesday, April 4, 2017

March Blog Post

“High ranking Texaco executives refer to African American employees as “black jelly beans… glued to the bottom of the bag” -Keeping it Real By Patricia S. Parker

In all honesty this quote almost has me laughing with how ridiculous it sounds. Black jelly beans??? Come on, now. Makes me truly wonder how those types of thoughts enter someones mind; the idea that skin color makes any type of difference. To me at least, that seems like an easy thought to process, but that's obviously not the case for others.

This quote hits me in a soft spot because my sister is half black. Even though she's my "half" sister, I still see it as we have the same blood all the way. I grew up with my sister obviously and I can tell you one thing, she is definitely not a "black jelly bean stuck to the bottom of the bag" (I'm honestly almost laughing at this again it's so outrageous). I'm not here to defend black people, because they don't need defending, they're human beings. I'm just very dumbfounded over the whole idea of "superior race".

When colonist came to America and established all of the different customs and cultures to each individual area, slave states were definitely a thing. As I'm sure you're very aware of this, I'm not sure people really understand the severity of what truly happened in this nation of "freedom". I'm also not here to give a history lesson, but genuinely here to state the mind-blowing idea that people literally can look at someone who is different than them, and then not only discriminate towards them, but put made-up "laws" and "prejudice" over human connection. 

Not to sound all hippy dippy (I am from Eugene), but in a world that is merely a floating dot in the sky of practically unknown space, I find it pretty interesting that people will fight the bloodiest of wars, and spew out the most hurtful kind of hatred, for temporary power on this Earth, that truly doesn't even matter. We don't matter, yet it's all we know. Human emotion and connection is the only real thing on this Earth that we have. Love TRUMPS all, always.

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